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Celosia shivers from 10 degrees Celsius

If the nighttime temperatures regularly drop below 10 degrees Celsius in autumn, it will be yours Plume on the balcony too cold. The minimum temperature of 5 degrees Celsius can withstand a Celosia only for a short time. So put the summer flower in place in good time. This is how the winter quarters should be:

  • At normal room temperatures in a window seat that is as bright as possible and not in full sun
  • Alternatively at a cool 12-14 degrees Celsius in the partially shaded, not permanently dark location

also read

  • The plume transforms the balcony into a sea of ​​flowers
  • Is the Celosia hardy?
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If there is enough space, give your plume a breather in the cool place. This makes the plant all the more vital and blooming in the next season.

How to care for the plume in winter quarters

The exact light and temperature conditions determine the rhythm of the water and nutrient supply during winter. Regularly check with your finger whether the surface of the substrate is dry and whether there is a need for watering. In the warm location, the flowering continues, so that it becomes liquid every 4 weeks

fertilize. Please clean the withered flowers as soon as possible in order to spare your Celosia the exhausting seed growth.

In the context of a cool, low-light wintering, the plume sheds its leaves and ceases to bloom. In this case, remove all pulled-in parts of the plant. In addition, the plant does not receive any fertilizer until March. In early April, get the plant used to a lighter location and normal room temperatures. At the same time, you resume the supply of nutrients.


The colorful inflorescences of a plume are ideal for drying. When the summer flower is in full bloom, pluck the prettiest stems and tie them together in small bunches. Hung upside down in a dark, airy place, the plume flowers dry within 10 to 14 days.

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