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Christmas cacti are robust and rarely get sick

In a convenient location and with good care, you will be with a Christmas cactus get no problems. This type of cactus is considered to be very robust and disease-resistant. Only if the location is unfavorable or care errors occur can the Christmas cactus suffer from the following diseases and problems:

  • Root rot
  • Stem rot
  • falling flowers
  • failure to flower

also read

  • Water the Christmas cactus with care
  • Hibernate the Christmas cactus properly
  • Is the Christmas cactus poisonous to cats?

Incorrect care cause disease

As a representative of the cacti, the Christmas cactus does not like it when the substrate is too wet. Avoid waterlogging by all means and only use rainwater or tap water with little lime to water.

Waterlogging from compacted earth or stagnant water in the saucer causes the roots and cactus limbs to rot and fall off.

When the Christmas cactus sheds all the flowers

The Christmas cactus can't stand it if you move it around frequently. The inflorescences always align with the light. If you turn the pot, the flowers change their direction of growth. If this happens more often, they just fall off.

Also avoid drafts and place the Christmas cactus in a sheltered location.

Why doesn't the Christmas cactus bloom?

If the Christmas cactus not blooming, it is usually not due to illnesses. In order to develop a rich bloom, it needs a rest period about three months before the bloom time. During this time, it is placed cooler at 17 to 18 degrees for about six weeks.

Some experts also recommend giving the Christmas cactus a longer dark phase before flowering. He's going to one location placed where it receives little light and is hardly poured. This phase stimulates the formation of new flowers.


Pests don't often bother the Christmas cactus either. Very rarely scale insects or aphids can occur. An infestation should be combated as soon as possible to prevent further spread.

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