How to properly care for them

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Lots of sun and protection from rain and wind

The ones from South America Petunias love full sun locations and thank you with countless flowers for the sunshine and warmth you have received. Since higher-lying balconies are usually not shaded by large trees or the shadows cast by houses, they are ideal for growing petunias. In addition, petunias grow significantly better in this country with a certain protection from wind and rainy weather and are less prone to disease. The many different Hanging varieties of petunia are also perfect for adding a colorful accent to somewhat weathered balcony balustrades in summer.

also read

  • The heyday of petunias
  • Petunias: hardy or not?
  • Powdery mildew on the petunias: diagnosis and countermeasures

Safe from annoying pests

In the garden bed, petunias are not infrequently the target of attacks by voracious pests such as Nudibranchs. Such a problem is much easier to deal with on the balcony, since snails are usually only introduced onto the balcony with the plant substrate used. Even

Aphids occur less often on a balcony, but can be significantly decimated with the following means:

  • with beneficial insects like ladybirds
  • through regular checks and early action
  • by removing severely affected shoots
  • with special sprays or hosing down with a sharp jet of water

Annual flowers with little effort

Many pure balcony gardeners appreciate the petunia for a circumstance that is actually mostly seen as a flaw: the lack of it Frost resistance. After all, in most apartments without their own garden there is no space inside the house for the wintering of balcony plants. Since petunias can be acquired cheaply as young plants in spring or simply from Seedsto pull are you with the end of the Heyday simply composted in autumn. During the summer season, regular water and fertilizer applications are sufficient, along with an occasional one Pluck off wilted flowers in order to admire new flowers on the petunias all season long can.


Although petunias outdoors and also on sheltered balconies not hardy after pruning in an appropriately tempered and light winter quarters, they can also be successfully overwintered will.

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