When is the best time?

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When should it be cut back?

The ideal time depends on what look you want to give the shrub. If the cherry laurel should always look even and as neatly trimmed as possible, it is advisable to cut back at least two times a year. Is it enough for you to keep the cherry laurel in check and if you prefer the shrub to look natural, one strong cut per year is sufficient.

also read

  • The right cut of the Etna cherry laurel
  • How to protect the cherry laurel from frost and sun in winter
  • The correct procedure for removing the cherry laurel

The two cutbacks

If the cherry laurel is growing very strongly, it is cut in spring and summer. In this case, it has proven useful to use the scissors before the first budding at the end of February to the beginning of March.


  • Branches that have a diseased bark cut off into healthy wood, as these are the preferred entry points for mushrooms and Diseases are.
  • Cut out branches that grow inward so that enough light penetrates into the bushes.
  • Also remove all branches showing frost damage.

Then straighten the crooked edges and shorten the shoots. You can also cut deep into the old wood. The cherry laurel drifts vigorously again after a short time.

The second cut in the year

A second pruning then takes place in summer until the end of July. This allows the shoots to mature sufficiently before the cold season and no frost damage is to be feared. Many gardeners also cut off the flower roots when pruning in autumn, so that the cherry laurel hardly grows the flowers that will emerge in the following autumn poisonous Develop berries. If you do not want to do without flowers next spring, you should therefore make sure to cut out as few flower roots as possible when pruning in autumn.

The time for the one-off pruning

The cherry laurel is one of the early bloomers and is best made directly after flowering cut. This spring pruning stimulates the cherry laurel to sprout vigorously and densely. As a rule, this one-off cut is enough to keep the shrub's vigor in check.

When are taper cuts made

Since the cherry laurel tolerates pruning very well, you can stimulate old trees and trees that are bare at the bottom with a rejuvenating cut to sprout new ones. For bird protection reasons, this cut should be made before the 1st March. The robust cherry laurel can even be put back on the stick at this point.


In principle, you can have cherry laurel throughout the year trimming. However, if the temperature is below zero, you should definitely refrain from cutting. At temperatures below five degrees, freshly cut branches are threatened with massive frost damage, which greatly weakens the shrub.