Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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Important factors when caring for a bonsai elm

If you want to keep an elm as a bonsai, you have to consider the following aspects:

  • the choice of location
  • the correct pouring behavior
  • the fertilizer application
  • the cut back
  • repotting

also read

  • Helpful tips for caring for a Chinese elm
  • Annoying troublemakers - these pests attack the elm
  • The elm in the profile

Demands on the location

Elms like it sunny and warm. An outdoor location is therefore recommended, at least during the summer months. The deciduous tree also feels good on the windowsill. Freezing temperatures, however, damage the plant. With regard to wintering, you have the choice between a cool location at around 8 ° C or a warm location at 22 ° C. The latter choice is given to the elm's deciduous dress.

to water

Before watering, you should let the substrate dry well. This is followed by extensive watering. If your elm is constantly forming new leaves at the tips of the shoots, but throws them off again quickly, this is a sure sign of excessive watering.


  • Spring to autumn: every 14 days
  • In winter: once a month

Use liquid bonsai fertilizer as fertilizer. To protect against pests such as the spider mite or the scale insect, plant protection products or increasing the humidity can help. This can easily be increased by spraying the plant with water.


Thinning the crown every two to three years by removing unwanted branches. Shoots with a length of 6-8 cm cut back to 3-4 leaves. Extra wire will help keep the shape.


Since the elm has strong roots, it has to be repotted every two to three years. It is advisable to make a root cut straight away.