Elephant feet get dry tips

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Why do the tips get dry?

There are many causes and reasons that can lead to dry leaf tips in elephant feet. The leaves are relatively sensitive to this Houseplant on touching or pressure on the tips. These then turn brown and dry.

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  • Help, my elephant foot is getting brown tips!
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Other causes of leaf discoloration could be improper care. The elephant's foot was perhaps too much or too little poured. In general, the risk of too much water is greater than that of not watering the tree enough. It stores water in its trunk, which is significantly thicker below than above. Wrong Fertilize expresses itself in a similar way.

Possible reasons for dry leaf tips:

  • Leaves hit the floor or the wall
  • the elephant foot was poured incorrectly (too much or too little)
  • incorrect fertilization
  • hard, dry soil
  • sunburn

Can I just cut off the dry tips?

It doesn't make much sense to just cut off the dry tips, because sooner or later they will

Leaves brown again to dye. The elephant's foot doesn't like it when you look at its leaves circumcised. If you can't leave it at all, at least don't cut into the green leaf, but leave a narrow brown edge.

How do I prevent dry tips on elephant feet?

Make sure (in the future) that the elephant's foot gets enough water and fertilizer, but not too much of both. The soil may dry out a bit between the individual waterings. If you water the tree too abundantly, it can Trunk soft get soft.


So that your elephant's foot doesn't get brown tips in the first place, set it up so that its sensitive leaves have no contact with the wall or the floor.

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