What can it be?

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Causes can be:

  • Wrong choice of variety
  • Too little light
  • Lack of humidity
  • Too much or too little water
  • Root rot

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Variety choice

There is Palm species, for example the popular Kentiaplame that even with good care grow very slowly.

Lack of light

Most palm trees are extremely light-hungry and require an illuminance of 2,000 lux for strong growth. Window glass and curtains absorb a lot of light. Even if you place the palm a few meters away from the window, it may no longer grow due to a lack of light. If necessary, compensate for this with additional lighting.

How much light the plant needs does not only depend on the type of palm. The warmer the room in which the palm tree is located, the more light it needs.


For vigorous growth, you should spray the plant regularly. Always use lime-free water at room temperature. You can also use an indoor fountain or humidifier to provide more humidity.

Casting defects

at Palms in the pot A too dry pot ball is often responsible for the fact that it does not grow. Water whenever the top inches of the substrate feel dry.

If you have forgotten to water for a long time, the soil can sometimes hardly store any liquid. In this case, it is advisable to immerse the pot and leave it completely in the water until no more air bubbles rise.

Root rot

If you meant it too well with your green companion for a long period of time, the excess moisture may have led to root rot. The roots can no longer transport water, the plant no longer grows and withers.

Pot out the palm:

  • Does the substrate smell musty or does it feel like a dripping wet sponge?
  • Are the roots no longer white and crisp?

Then act quickly. Remove the old substrate, cut back the diseased roots and put the plant in fresh Palm soil. Water significantly less in the future.


Despite additional lighting and good care Palm trees often grow slowly in rooms. Therefore, buy a copy that has already reached the optimal size for you.

meta: your palm is not growing and you are wondering what is causing this? You will find answers and valuable care tips in our guide.

Michaela Kaiser