Pulling Jerusalem artichoke roots »This is how you grow the vegetables

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Jerusalem artichoke is easy to grow in the garden, because it settles on almost all soils. The plant spreads through subterranean runners. Ideally, the subsoil provides sandy, humus-rich and moderately calcareous conditions. In winter the tubers remain in the ground. They sprout reliably in spring even after the harsh winter months.

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The ideal planting time is from mid-March to the end of April, although you can also plant the tubers in the ground in autumn between October and November. Enrich the bed with compost beforehand. You should avoid an excessive supply of nitrogen, as this will cause the daisy family to grow extensively.

How to plant correctly:

  • Lay out rows 50 centimeters apart
  • Place roots 60 centimeters apart
  • Pay attention to a planting depth of five to ten centimeters

Welcome neighbors

Helianthus tuberosus grows as a Privacy hedge

on the edge of the property and enjoys the company of shrubs or perennial shrubs. The plant neighbors should have similar requirements for the location. At the same time, you have to consider the maximum height of growth of up to three meters so that the mixed crop plants get enough light. Currants and raspberries are just as suitable as hazelnut or fruit bushes. Rhubarb also thrives well among the daisy family.


Check the bed regularly for weeds and pluck them from the substrate if necessary. As soon as the seedlings have developed the first real leaves, they remove the light for the weed seeds to germinate. The plants require irrigation in long periods of drought or on very sandy soils. Otherwise the rainwater is sufficient. The occasional administration of compost provides the vegetables with important nutrients in the long term. By piling up the plants in a similar way to potatoes, you increase them Crop yields.


For the next several years, you can uproot excess shoots if they are knee high. This thins out the crop and ensures better tuber development.


Usually Harvest Jerusalem artichokeas soon as the above-ground parts of the plant turn brown. This process starts in October for most varieties. You can dig up the tubers from the frost-free soil at any time. Each planted rhizome produces ten times the harvest. Make use of one Digging forkto get the rhizomes out of the ground.

Store properly

The shelf life of Jerusalem artichoke is not very long because the tubers have a thin shell. Store them unwashed and watch out for cool and humid conditions. The harvest can be like Store vegetables in the ground rent.