Loquat has red spots

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This can lead to red spots:

  • Drought stress
  • Wrong care measures
  • Leaf tan

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Drought stress

If the ground freezes through in winter, the roots cannot absorb water. The plants lose moisture through evaporation. This process is intensified by exposure to direct sunlight. As a result, there is a water deficit, which means drought stress for the plant. This is expressed by wine-red dots and spots on the leaves, which, depending on the extent, can be restricted or spread over the entire leaf surface.

You can prevent drought stress by paying attention to the optimal location when planting the trees. Medlars prefer a place of growth in regions with mild winter conditions without prolonged frosts. Although numerous varieties of the common loquat are offered as hardy, they are sensitive to permafrost. Protect the root ball with fir branches, brushwood or fleece. Before winter, water the plant thoroughly so that it can fill up its water depots.

Incorrect maintenance measures

Medlars do not need a lot of water. They only need to be watered when the top layer of soil has dried. If there are long periods of drought in summer, the need for water increases. The dry air causes the plant to lose more water than usual. If it is not watered regularly, it leads to heat-related drought stress.

In summer, make sure that your shrubs get enough water. The earth dries out faster because the warm air can absorb more water. This means that the roots get less water. A penetrating pour will help.

Leaf tan

This fungal disease affects the leaves of weak and diseased plants. The spores settle on the leaf surface and form red or brown spots. Mushrooms prefer a moist environment. They spread in poorly ventilated vegetation, settle in fallen leaves and benefit from warm and humid summer months.

Remove affected leaves and spray the entire plant with a fungicide containing copper sulfate. To strengthen the plant, regularly mix a brew with the irrigation water Field horsetail under. When planting your garden, make sure that the bushes are not too close together.

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