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Reasons why the calla does not bloom

  • Full sun
  • Earth too poor in nutrients
  • Earth too nutritious
  • Not enough water

The calla does not get full sun, especially the leaves suffer from direct midday sun. At a cheap Location it is only in direct sunlight in the morning and in the evening.

also read

  • Calla is not hardy - tips for wintering
  • Here's how to water the calla properly!
  • Hibernate calla in a pot

Zimmercalla needs very moist soil during the flowering period, but it must be very dry during the rest period. This is the only way for the bulbs to gather enough strength to develop new flowers.

Helpful tips to help you make the calla bloom

  • Bright location, no midday sun
  • Exchange earth
  • Fertilize
  • Water a lot during flowering
  • Let the soil dry out after flowering

Do not place the plant in the flower window directly behind the pane. The leaves heat up through the glass in such a way that they burn. Sometimes a light sunscreen, which you put in front of the plant during lunchtime, helps. In no case should the place be too dark.

You should replace the depleted earth and the Repot the plant. Fertilize Once a week during the flowering period and make sure that the soil is always moist in summer.

The calla needs a lot of water during the flowering period. You also do not harm waterlogging. In addition, you should spray the plant with a flower sprayer at least once a week to increase the humidity.

Keep dry during rest

After flowering, set that to water and let the flower bulbs dry out over the winter. Only then can the plant gather enough strength for the flowers in the next year.

Tips & Tricks

In summer it is Calla in the pot better off on the terrace. Place them as brightly as possible. In a favorable location, the plant only receives direct sunlight in the morning and in the evening.