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  • either hermaphroditic or unisexual
  • relatively small
  • but quite a lot of flowers on one inflorescence
  • greenish colored
  • lateral panicles


The ash flowers very early, even before the leaves shoot. The buds are spherical to egg-shaped, black shoot tips with a thickness of 5 mm. As a rule, the flowering period is April and May. From August onwards, small nut fruits develop from the previous flower.

also read

  • The growth of the ash
  • At what time does the ash bloom
  • The ash in bonsai shape


An ash tree only becomes manable, i.e. able to reproduce, when it is 20 or even 30 years old. In view of the old age that an ash tree can reach (up to 300 years), this is not at all surprising. In the case of unfavorable conditions, for example little exposure to light due to the growth in the existing building, manhood is delayed to 40 to 45 years. The seed is spread by the wind.

Beware of pollen count

The blossom of the ash tree is quite inconspicuous with its green color, but the look is deceptive. As an allergy sufferer, you probably know only too well when the ash starts to bloom. The pollen triggers violent reactions. These are rated as strong. To make matters worse, the ash also blooms at the same time as the birch, so that the symptoms are sometimes even more serious.