Fertilize weigela »When, how and with what?

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The fertilization of a weigela in the field

Fertilize It is best to keep your Weigelia outdoors in spring. In this way you stimulate the development of the buds that were already created in autumn. Fertilization with well-ripened compost is ideal and inexpensive. About two to three liters per plant are completely sufficient.

also read

  • How to care for your weigela - tips and tricks
  • How to plant the weigela - tips and tricks
  • Transplanting the weigela - tips and tricks

Alternatively, it can be supplied with a liquid fertilizer. It can be administered with the irrigation water and should contain sufficient potassium and nitrogen. You can use your weigela to keep the moisture in the soil well mulch.

Fertilize the weigela in the bucket properly

Pull your Weigela in the bucket, then fertilize them continuously from April to July. Only in the first months after the planting or that Realize it does not need any fertilizer, the fresh soil initially contains sufficient nutrients. If flowering declines despite a good supply of nutrients, then consider rejuvenating the root ball.

Can I overfertilize a weigela?

Too much of a good thing not only harms people but also many plants. Therefore, you should not fertilize a weigela too abundantly. Often this leads to so-called horny instincts or water instincts, on which no flowers form. At the same time, the willingness to flower often decreases on the shoots that are actually suitable for this.

The essentials in brief:

  • ideal: fresh, well drained and humus soil
  • fertilize sufficiently in poor soil
  • Over-fertilization can lead to horny shoots
  • ideal fertilization: 2 to 3 liters of compost in spring
  • Fertilize potted plants from April to July
  • do not fertilize in winter


It is best to give your weigela two to three liters of well-ripened compost in spring, so that it will be well taken care of Heyday.

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