Fig gets brown leaves

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Waterlogging causes the leaves to dry out

Figs love dry, warm surfaces and are very sensitive to too much water. Waterlogging leaves the Roots rot, The plant can no longer absorb water, the leaves dry up and turn brown. In this case, make sure that the fig finds optimal soil conditions.

Pour enough

If the soil is too dry, the plant cannot absorb water from the soil either. It tries to protect itself from withering by shedding parts of the leaves prematurely. In particular, figs planted on house walls with protruding canopies often suffer from theirs dry location. Therefore, water the fig trees that you have planted at the house sufficiently in the warm summer months.

Leaf burns

In addition to strong sunlight, the one-sided supply of certain salts or a lack of potassium and magnesium lead to leaf tanning. Even if insecticides or fungicides are used incorrectly, the leaves can turn brown and fall off.

Fungal diseases

If the fig tree is attacked by rust fungi, the leaves also turn brown. Characteristic of this plant disease

is that initially small red-brown spots appear on the leaves, which gradually close flat until the leaf finally falls off.


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