How to beautifully shape the shrub

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Myrtles grow at different speeds, so the date for the first cut varies greatly depending on the specimen. Here, variety and vitality play a role as well as external factors. With good care and optimal site conditions, some plants develop one in a few months Growth of half a meter, while other specimens a few centimeters at the same time grow. Therefore, you should adjust the cutting date according to when your plant has reached the necessary shoot length.

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Spring and autumn pruning

Basically, you can cut the crop in late winter through to spring. In the case of particularly strongly growing varieties, a further intervention in autumn is recommended. If you value the development of a rich bloom, then after the end of April you should avoid the scissors. Pruning measures may take place again after the flowering period.


Myrtles turn out to be easy-to-shape shrubs. They can be used to create spherical trees or complex geometric shapes as well as upholstery or bonsai. Regardless of the shape you prefer, these basic rules apply:

  • Carry out the first pruning when the branches are lignified in the lower area
  • these should have at least five to seven pairs of leaves
  • Shorten annual new shoots to one or two pair of leaves

Thin out

If the ornamental plants have grown too densely so that there is insufficient light penetration inside, myrtles tend to shed. To prevent leaf loss, thin out the branch pads a little more. Pick up specimens that are growing too vigorously and trim the remaining branches. Place the scissors about one to two millimeters above the axilla. After cutting, at least one pair of leaves should remain on each shoot.


Regular pruning ensures that the myrtle keeps its shape. Proceed cautiously with more intensive pruning measures, because too intensive procedures disrupt the flower formation. Radical cuts are an exception in bonsai design when the crown area has to be rebuilt due to balding.

Ideally, you reduce the shaping maintenance measures to the regular breaking out of the shoot tips. The shrub then sprouts from the buds below and develops a dense and bushy shape.


Cutting back with scissors is necessary and recommended if individual branches grow too vigorously and disturb the symmetry. You should only remove annual shoots and shorten perennial specimens.


Shorten unlignified myrtle shoots with a sharp knife or bonsai scissors. Once the fabric is lignified, grab it Secateurs or electric scissors for bonsai trees. Particularly thick branches require the use of Loppers or saw.