Fertilizing the conifer hedge »How much nutrients does the hedge need?

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What nutrients does a conifer hedge need?

For their typical needle color, conifers need iron and, above all, plenty of magnesium. A conventional one NPK fertilizer cannot provide them adequately with this, as this element is completely neglected in it. Instead, the conifers are oversupplied with phosphate.

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The conifer hedge also needs potassium because this substance helps it to develop a good frost resistance.

What can a conifer hedge be fertilized with?

Fertilize Treat your conifer hedge with a special conifer fertilizer. It is available as granules and liquid fertilizer. When fertilizing, follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly, because incorrect fertilization can be very harmful.

You can supply potassium with potassium magnesia, also known as patent potash. This fertilizer also has the valuable magnesium to offer.


Magnesium deficiency quickly leads to

brown spots in the hedge. In this case, use Epsom salt as soon as possible. You can fertilize the hedge with Epsom salt, or you can dissolve it in water and then spray it on the needle dress.

How often is the conifer hedge fertilized?

To create a dense conifer hedge, the evergreen conifers are planted very closely. With this, however, a particularly large number of roots compete for the nutrients contained in the soil in a very small space. It should be clear that the stocks do not last long and have to be replenished regularly.

Whether the conifer hedge needs fertilizing once or twice a year or regularly at smaller intervals also depends on the fertilizer you use. The least you can do wrong is to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

When should the conifer hedge be fertilized?

It is fertilized during the vegetation phase, while no nutrients are added in winter.

  • first big fertilization of the year should be in spring
  • when the trees are freshly sprouting
  • can do well with that Cut be combined
  • in the course of the year according to Re-fertilize manufacturer's instructions
  • Potassium fertilizer do not apply until autumn

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