This is how they thrive

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What is the best way to fertilize hybrid tea roses?

Hybrid tea roses should be fertilized twice a year. A third dose of fertilizer is not necessary, but it is also not harmful. However, it should not be done too late. This is important because otherwise the branches cannot lignify properly and can therefore freeze in winter.

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The best way to give the many nutrients that hybrid tea roses need:

  • in March with compost fertilize (under-rake slightly)
  • At the end of May B. with special Rose fertilizer(€ 11.51 at Amazon *) fertilize
  • possibly. Fertilize again at the end of July to encourage a second bloom

Do you have to water hybrid tea?

Hybrid tea roses, like other types of roses, do not need a lot of water. They have extremely deep roots and are therefore not constantly dependent on water from above. Roses should only be watered when it is dry and hot in summer. Watering twice a week is sufficient during such periods. But be careful: never pour on the leaves! This increases the risk of disease.

How do you recognize a disease?

Hybrid tea roses apply depending on variety as relatively disease-prone. How to recognize the most common fungal diseases:

  • mildew: whitish coating on the upper side of the leaf
  • Black soot: brown to black-violet spots on the underside of the leaf
  • Rose rust: yellow spores on the underside of the leaf, orange to brown spots on the upper side of the leaf

How do you deal with diseased plants?

If the hybrid tea roses are sick, nothing helps to look after them. The infected parts must be removed! Take a sharp one Rose scissors at hand and cut off any diseased parts of the plant. Do not dispose of them on the compost heap, but in the household rubbish!

How do you cut hybrid tea roses correctly?

Hybrid tea roses should have one every year cut obtain. The best time: when the first flower buds are visible. Then the hybrid tea roses are cut back to 20 to 40 cm. In addition, in summer you should regularly cut off the faded flowers down to the leaf underneath.


Modern Hybrid tea varieties are usually less prone to disease. These include, for example, the varieties 'Nostalgie' and 'Solero'.

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