Blooming garden roses in the rose garden

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In addition to vegetables, you always want to plant something for your eyes in your own garden.
Roses are particularly suitable for this because over time they have become a symbol of beauty, love e.g. B. Red roses and has developed simple elegance. Unfortunately, roses are also very idiosyncratic, which is clearly indicated by the thorns in particular, but also by their flowering behavior. In order to still be able to enjoy the summer blooms in your own garden, we recommend planting blooming garden roses. These do not form a class of their own in the rose breeding system. There are a few, however Rose varieties, the

are known to bloom more persistently and more abundantly. These include some breeds of the tea rose hybrids, which arose from European remontant roses and Chinese tea roses in the mid-nineteenth century.
The attempt was made to combine the advantages of the various types of roses. The tea roses from China are generally known for their long and persistent blooms. The European roses are many times more intense odor, which has long been considered a very important property for garden roses. In the meantime, however, people like to fall back on the blooming garden roses, even if they have some disadvantages in terms of scent and durability. Many other rose varieties were bred from the hybrids, which, like the old European roses, often only bloom once a year, but with a much richer bloom.

In the meantime, specialized breeders have created roses that make it easy for today's gardeners to turn their own garden into a blooming paradise. Decades of selection have resulted in rose varieties that are both robust and willing to bloom. These flower-rich garden roses are available in many different colors and of course shapes, depending on the original variety from which they come. So if you want to make your own garden more colorful, you now have the opportunity to draw on unlimited resources. There is also an immense range in the size of the respective roses, since one remains low Floribunda roses as well as Shrub roses that grow taller.
If you want to add a few new flower-rich garden roses to your garden at planting time, you will find it There are a lot of breeders and sales companies on the Internet, often with their very own breeds to offer. Since it doesn't matter online how far away a breeder is, interested hobby gardeners have the opportunity to shop anywhere in Germany. Particularly successful breeds can of course also be found at appropriate exhibitions, trade fairs and in various rose gardens. The prices vary from cheap to sometimes almost unaffordable, with the latter being almost collector's items or collector's items. Blooming garden roses sometimes place somewhat higher demands on the soil than normal ones Wild roses. Even so, gardeners with relatively little experience should be able to plant them successfully.
So for whom normal roses are a bit too boring or for whom the bloom was in the past was rather below average, he should take a closer look at the blooming garden roses. The advantages lie in the breeding successes achieved step by step, which have led to the fact that today you can plant floriferous, yet robust rose varieties. Regardless of whether you are a real lover or just a generally interested hobby gardener, flower-rich garden roses have something to offer for every taste and requirement.