Create a flowerbed in front of the hedge

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Planting flowers in front of a hedge can be problematic: the location may be shady because a high hedge absorbs the light. But it can also be that the flower bed is directly in the sun - and can then heat up strongly due to the sheltered location. Furthermore, the type of hedge can cause problems, for example if it is a very shallow-rooted hedge plant. The root pressure is particularly high here, which is why you should plant accordingly to plan must - deep-rooted shrubs and perennials, set between the main roots, are perfect here. Also note that the hedge and flower bed can quickly compete for nutrients and water - regular to water and Fertilize its a must.

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Suitable plants for the hedge bed

Basically, the narrower the bed, the fewer types you should choose for the flowerbed - otherwise it quickly looks cluttered and chaotic. Three to five plants, planted alternately, are perfectly adequate for most hedge beds. The alternating planting of a strip of beds with tall, bushy plants and shrubs that remain small looks pretty. With a multi-row

planting The rule is that taller plants should be placed in the background, while lower plants should be in the front.

Sunny location

Roses are perfect for a sunny, hot location, ideally in combination with lavender. Not only does this look pretty, but it also keeps the aphids away. But Mediterranean herbs (which often bloom very well) as well as steppe candles, euphorbia, woolen ziest or peonies are perfect here.

Partially shady and shady location

If, on the other hand, the hedge takes away too much light, you have to go here shade tolerant Plants are set. For example, they are wonderful Hydrangeas, Cranesbill, Hostas, astilbe (splendid spar), Purple bells, Forest goat's beard or silver candle.


If you prepare the flower bed in front of the hedge for planting, you will damage the roots of the hedge plants as little as possible. It is often not possible to dig up; instead, carefully loosen the soil with one Digging fork. Then bring plenty of ripe compost and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients.

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