False rose of Jericho

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The Real Rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica)

The so-called Real Rose of Jericho is widespread in the hot and dry areas of North Africa as well as the Arabian Peninsula, Israel and Jordan as far as Pakistan. The desert plant lives only for a year and dies after the successful formation of pods and seeds. The leaves of the plant curl up and hide the seeds inside - this is how the offspring should be protected from the merciless desert sun. The next time it rains, the plant unfolds again and releases the seeds. However, this only appears to be a resuscitation, because the mother plant is - and remains - actually dead.

also read

  • Rose of Jericho - This is how the "resurrection plant" can be propagated
  • Loggerhead Rose of Jericho: Care, Propagation, "Revival"
  • Real and Fake Rose of Jericho: Guide to Care and "Resurrection"

You can reproduce this revitalization effect at home by placing the dried jerichorose in a bowl with cold or warm water lay - it will unfold within a few hours and take on a dark olive brown color.

Selaginella lepidophylla, a moss fern from Central America, is sold as the "Rose of Jericho" in particular at medieval markets and in the run-up to Christmas. However, this is not the Real Rose of Jericho, but - basically - plagiarism. Nevertheless, the resurrection effect can also be understood very well with this plant, which is often referred to as the false rose of Jericho - and this one has actually not died, but, as a so-called alternately moist plant, reacts to extreme drought with complete drying out and this survived.

Pallenis hierichuntica

This is a sunflower from the desert regions of North Africa and the Middle East, which reacts to irrigation by opening its fruit cluster. Pallenis hierichuntica is also one of the alternately moist plants.


Whether real or fake: The rose of Jericho is often given away for Christmas and Easter because of its symbolism. In addition, the plant should bring health and happiness to the recipient.