This is how you get rid of the weeds

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Weed control with the pendulum hoe

Permanently remove weeds from gravel surfaces without chemicals succeeds with an almost forgotten garden tool, the Pendulum hoe. With this tool, which is also available in an electric version, weeds can be cleared from gravel paths in a relatively short time. By moving back and forth, the unwanted green is cut off root-deep and can be adjusted without any problems. In this way, the weeds are so badly damaged that after a while they hardly grow back and the way remains permanently weed-free.

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Prevent weed growth by cleverly laying out the path

As soon as you create a gravel path, you can do a lot to simplify subsequent maintenance:

  • Always delimit gravel paths with a lawn edge. This prevents the green from spreading out unintentionally in the gravel.
  • Dig the path about eight inches deep.
  • Put a drainage or not too thin on the smoothed earth
    Weed control.(€ 13.47 at Amazon *) A grammage of 90 grams per square meter is ideal. Weeds remaining in the earth cannot grow through the gravel surface.
  • Put the gravel on top and smooth the surface.

Germinating wild herbs can be removed very easily with this measure. Since the roots are not anchored in the ground, you can pull them out without any effort.

Not very effective: The chemical club

It sounds tempting: spray on weed killers and the green wild plants disappear as if by magic. Unfortunately, the use of herbicides only shows short-term success. Only freshly germinated weeds are reliably killed, but must be removed in a second step. Larger and strong plants often stand still and you have to weed them mechanically. Seeds dormant in the ground are not recorded at all and none are excluded. This makes multiple use necessary.

In addition, the sprayed agents not only damage the wild plants, but can also cause environmental damage and are also classified as toxic to humans.


The pendulum hoe is also suitable for removing weeds in the vegetable patch. The pendulum movement creates only a minimal lateral movement of the earth, so that the growth of tender lettuce plants and freshly set vegetables is not disturbed.