This is how the belt flower gets through the winter

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Winter hardiness is not enough for icy times

The red shrub from the Far East is a shaky candidate when it comes to safe wintering in this country. The frost does not have to become a danger if it is in the single digits.

  • can survive down to -10 ° C
  • some recommendations draw the line at -5 ° C

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Since winters can be icy in our latitudes, cultivation in beds does not offer a safe life. That is why the shrub often lives as a mobile container plant.

It is essential to protect outside

If you are lucky enough to live in a mild region of the country, the chances are good that you will also get Lorepetalum through the winter safely outside. But really everything has to be done for that. When planting, the plant should be provided with a protected location so that it does not get any icy winds.

If the first frosts are on the horizon, the branches of the belt blossom must be given a protective cover. Wrap the crown with special

Plant fleece a. Also protect the root area with a thick layer of leaves or sticks.

Hibernate container bushes

It would be far too daring to hibernate a pail specimen outdoors. Even the tried and tested winter protection measures cannot compensate for his lack of winter hardiness. Because the pot offers the frost a good attack surface from all sides. Invite the shrub to move into guest quarters by spring.

  • it should be frost-free
  • 8 to 12 ° C are ideal
  • as bright as possible


In its homeland of origin China and Japan Loropetalum likes to be cultivated as a bonsai. This is also possible with us and also makes wintering easier.

Care in winter quarters

In winter quarters, the Riemenblume does not need any fertilizer, but has to be supplied with water. But that should be done as needed. So it can be that the plant does not get enough light in its location and sheds some leaves as a result. This also reduces their water requirements.

The room temperature also influences the plant's water consumption. The colder it is, the less water needs to be poured so that the soil remains slightly moist.