Watering, fertilizing, overwintering and more

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Which location does the guava need?

As a tropical plant, guavas like both the sun and the warmth, but they can't get enough of either. So treat your guava to a sunny and sheltered spot in the garden or on the balcony. A bright location in the winter garden at temperatures of up to 30 ° C is also ideal.

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In which substrate does the guava feel particularly comfortable?

Guavas do not make any special demands on the substrate. It should just be loose and well drained. Good drainage is also important to avoid waterlogging.

How often should you water the guava?

The plant needs a lot of water and should never dry out. Check with your fingers whether it is time to water again: If the substrate has dried on the surface, you should water it.

When and with what should you fertilize the guava?

Fertilize You the guava weekly during the growing season with a liquid Complete fertilizer. There is no fertilization in winter.

Can you cut the guava?

As a rule, pruning is not necessary, only excessively long shoots should be shortened after the eventual harvest. Deadwood or too close or Crossing shoots should be removed regularly.

How can the guava be propagated?

Guavas can be propagated very well using cuttings. But you can too grow from seeds (bought or collected). Cut the cuttings in the spring.

What diseases and pests are typical of the guava?

Due guava is quite robust and infestation by pests, fungi or other pathogens is rare. Only too much moisture or even waterlogging leads to rot.

As a tropical plant, the guava is not hardy and should be wintered in a cool, cool place at around 10 to 15 ° C in a bright room.


In order to be able to harvest fruits, you have to help a little with the pollination with the brush.