How toxic is it?

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Which parts of the morning glory are poisonous

In the aboveground parts of many species of the Morning glory contain lysergic acid amides, as they also occur in ergot fungus. While these toxins are not found in the same concentration in all subspecies, you should still consider them Exercise caution when dealing with all morning glory because of unclear variety delimitations and contradicting research statements permit. Since the concentration of these hallucinogenic substances in the seed pods is particularly high, you should use the Harvest the seeds for the Sowing in the following year better to wear gloves.

Deal with the dangers realistically

Similar to morning glory, many other widely used garden plants can be too heavy to eat predictable states of intoxication and possible damage to health and death consequences, such as the The following:

  • thimble
  • yew
  • Angel trumpet
  • Pfaffenhütchen

The plants do not necessarily have to be avoided, however, as a gardener you should aware of the possible danger, especially for small children and pets in the vicinity of the plants be.


In the past, consumption of hallucinogenic toxins from morning glory has resulted in serious health problems and deaths. The different parts of the plant should never be consumed as substitute drugs due to the difficult to calculate dangers, as the proportion of toxins in the plants can fluctuate greatly.

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