Hemp palm gets brown leaves

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Causes of brown leaves on hemp palms

  • Lack of light
  • too much or too little poured
  • low humidity
  • frost
  • rarely nutrient deficiency

Hemp palms need a lot of light. in the Penumbra Only a few new fronds form, old leaves turn brown and die. So make sure you have a location that is as sunny as possible.

also read

  • Causes of yellow leaves on the hemp palm
  • Brown leaves on the hemp palm after winter
  • Hemp palm leaves frozen to death - what now?

Wrong pouring

Water hemp palms regularly, but only when the surface of the earth is completely dry. Avoid waterlogging.

Low humidity is common when it is kept indoors. You can remedy this by regularly spraying the leaves with water that is low in lime.

Brown leaves from frost damage

Even if the hemp palm is hardy and tolerates temperatures down to -18 degrees, the leaves can freeze to death. These Frost damage are not due to the cold, but rather to too much moisture during the winter.

If you overwinter hemp palms in the garden bed, cover the fronds with burlap or Garden fleeceto check them out before Freeze to death to protect.

Hemp palms in the bucket do not tolerate so much cold. They should be overwintered at a maximum of -6 degrees. If it gets colder, bring her inside. Place it in a cool but bright place as possible.


The brown leaves don't look very decorative. You are welcome to use them cut, but only when the leaves are completely dry. Leave a remnant of at least four centimeters on the trunk.