The most beautiful plants for every pond area

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The pond zones at the finished pond

Each pond is usually divided into four zones, which differ according to their depth and are therefore planted differently:

  • Deep water zone: from 60cm (not always available)
  • Shallow water zone: 10 to 50cm
  • Swamp zone: up to 10cm
  • Shore zone: wet area around the pond

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Depending on the pond zone, different pond plants are suitable for planting.

Deep water zone

Floating plants or plants can be found in the deep water zone. Floating leaf plants (with roots in the ground) and underwater plants can be planted. For example:

Floating plants and floating leaf plants

  • Frog bite
  • Crab claw
  • Sea can
  • Water lilies
  • floating pondweed
  • Pond roses
  • Water knotweed
  • Water nut

Underwater plants

  • Horn leaf
  • Needle ledges
  • Spring moss
  • Fir fronds
  • Thousand-leaf
  • Water spring
  • Water crowfoot
  • Waterweed

Shallow water zone

The plants in the shallow water zone are up to halfway, sometimes more in the water.

  • Rushes
  • Frog spoon
  • Pike herb
  • Sweet flag
  • Cattail
  • Horsetail
  • reed
  • Swamp sword lily
  • Waterweed

Swamp zone

In the swamp zone, the roots of the plants are permanently in the water.

  • Rushes
  • Fever clover
  • Frog spoon
  • Juggler flower
  • Buttercup
  • Lye flower
  • Meadowsweet
  • Arrowhead
  • Marsh marigold
  • Swamp gladiolus
  • Marsh calla
  • Swamp forget-me-nots

Riparian zone

Moisture-loving perennials and grasses thrive in the shoreline. Ground cover also look pretty.

  • Bamboo grass
  • Purple loosestrife
  • Gunsel
  • Lady's mantle
  • Lungwort
  • Mammoth leaf
  • Pennywort
  • Splendid spar
  • Primroses
  • Record sheet
  • Pedunculate flower grass

What should you watch out for when planting a prefabricated pond?

A few things must be observed so that the plants feel comfortable and adopt their new location.

When will the prefabricated pond be planted?

The ideal time to plant a prefabricated pond is late spring. Sensitive plants should only be planted when in any case no more frost is expected.

How is the prefabricated pond planted?

When planting the shallow water and swamp zones, it must be ensured that the plants cannot slide off. You can either use plant baskets or you can fix the plants with stones. It is best to fill your prefabricated pond with rainwater, as many aquatic plants are sensitive to lime.

How densely are you planting?

Keep in mind that your pond plants will grow and spread. If you do not want to have the whole pond overgrown in a very short time or If you have to constantly prune plants, it is better not to place the plants too close together. Three to five plants per square meter in shallow water and swamp areas are sufficient. Under water it should only be two to three per square meter.
Make sure that the water surface only grows up to a maximum of two thirds!

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