These measures are due in spring

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Preparatory work: scarifying

This will remove thatch, dead plant parts and moss. The roots of the turf get more oxygen and can regenerate.

also read

  • Promote the growth of the lawn optimally
  • Perfect lawn care in autumn - this is how you do it in an exemplary manner
  • Lawn maintenance in July: choosing the best fertilizer

Scarifier(€ 98.00 at Amazon *) have a spindle or axis that is fitted with rigid or rotatable knives. These scratch the Sward a few millimeters deep and tear out the felt.

The right fertilization

The lawn should be fertilized as soon as the Daffodils are in full bloom. This is the point in time when the green begins to grow again and utilizes the nutrients it has supplied.

  • Spread the fertilizer by hand or with the Gritter evenly on the dry grass as possible.
  • Make sure that there is no overlap, as overdosing can damage the lawn.
  • Then water the lawn thoroughly for at least 20 minutes.
  • A few days after fertilizing, shorten the grass to about four to five centimeters.


Bald spots may remain after mowing. In order to avoid the settlement of weeds, they should be sown as quickly as possible.

  • Loosen the surface a little and distribute the grass seeds.
  • Also work some seeds into the sward.
  • Keep the affected areas well moist for at least four weeks.
  • Don't cut the young grass back more than two inches.
  • Fertilize Keep the lawn regularly even during the summer months.


The lawn does not feel comfortable on over-acidic soil. You should therefore test the pH approximately every three to four years. If the result falls below 5.5, you should bring it to a value of 6 to 7 through targeted liming.

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