Recognize the droppings of magpies

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When bird droppings litter the patio or patio furniture, owners are upset. The magpies are quickly under suspicion. How do you recognize the droppings of black and white birds? How do you get rid of it?

Characteristics of magpie droppings

The legacies of all birds are mostly white with a dark part. Feces and urine are mixed. The dark part is feces, the light part is urine. Birds only have one opening in their bodies for excretion, the so-called cesspool.

Size and color

The excretions of larger birds, such as magpies and crows, are significantly larger than those of titmice or

Sparrows. They are about 2 inches tall.
Magpie droppings

The color of the bird droppings provides information about what the animals have eaten. Greenish color indicates vegetables, red or purple color indicates berries.
Magpies eat a lot of berries in autumn, so their droppings are often reddish in color.

Leftover food

Magpies feed on

  • insects
  • Worms
  • be crazy
  • Snails
  • Mice
  • little birds
  • Amphibians
  • Carrion
  • Fruits
  • Grains and seeds
  • Mushrooms
  • Food waste

Magpies usually devour insects without crushing them. Wasps, however, are thoroughly crushed with their beak before they are eaten. Large remains of insects in the droppings can indicate magpies.


Magpie vaults

Magpies, like owls, excrete undigested components of their prey. These are so-called vaults. These have a diameter of about 2 centimeters. Remnants of fur, feathers, bones and insects are contained in the magpies' vaults. Larger bird droppings and bulges in a limited area can indicate magpies as the cause.


Magpies are birds that are faithful to their location. Anyone who frequently observes magpies in the garden can assume that the larger droppings on the terrace come from the thieving animals. By the way, if it's very dry outside for a long time, shows

this is also reflected in the excretions of the birds. Your droppings are then very firm and hard.

Eliminate traces of excrement

The excretions of magpies can contain disease carriers. In addition, the ingredients are so aggressive that damage can occur to the freshly painted facade or on the terrace.


  • Remove fresh droppings with hot water, soap and a brush.
  • Eliminate older traces of excrement on the floor or on the house wall with a high-pressure cleaner.
  • Effective facade cleaner is available in hardware stores.

Prevent contamination

Limit the seating for magpies and other birds around your home. Roof grilles help prevent contamination of the facade. Prune the trees around your seats in the garden so that bird droppings cannot end up on garden furniture or the terrace. Patio canopies are good protection.

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