The palm gets brown tips

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Is the location right?

Often it is enough to give the palm another place. The plants need a lot of light to thrive. Even on a partially shaded one Location if it is usually too dark for the plant, the leaf tips turn brown and as a result the leaf dies.

also read

  • Brown tips on the Kentia palm - what to do?
  • The palm is losing its leaves - cause and remedy
  • Help - my indoor palm has brown tips!

Whether in the apartment or outdoors, put the palm tree in one place:

  • which is illuminated by the sun for at least five, better still more, hours.
  • A south-facing window or a south-facing terrace is ideal.
  • Make sure that the patio is not shaded by an awning all day.
  • In winter, indoor palms often get too dark. Here creates one Plant lamp(€ 65.50 at Amazon *) Compensation.

Sunburn after changing location

Although sunburn usually shows up as spots on the leaves, brown tips can also appear. Plants cultivated outdoors during the summer should therefore be carefully accustomed to the changed conditions. Make the palm in a sheltered, partially shaded place for the first one to two weeks.

Air dryness

Especially those that thrive in desert regions Palm species cope well with dry air. However, the conditions in our rooms, which are heated in winter, often do not tolerate these plants either and the tips of the leaves turn brown.

The humidity can be increased with simple measures:

  • Moisten the fronds daily with a sprayer.
  • To avoid unsightly limescale stains, only use distilled or boiled water.
  • Next to the palm one with Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) place a filled flower pot. Fill this with water, it slowly evaporates and thus increases the humidity in the immediate vicinity.

From the advice often heard, the planter or saucer of the palm with the small ones Clay balls(€ 22.65 at Amazon *) to fill, we ask to refrain. These plants are extremely sensitive to waterlogging and even the wet expanded clay can be too much for them.

Lack of water or excess water

If the palm's water balance is out of balance, this is indicated by the brown tips of the leaves, regardless of whether you have watered too much or too little. When watering, adhere to the following rules:

  • Water is always poured when the top centimeters of the soil feel dry (thumb test).
  • Pour through until water comes out of the drain hole.
  • Pour away excess liquid after a few minutes.

Too little substrate

Palm trees don't need to be repotted very often. However, if you have too little soil available, no more water can be stored and the plant dries up despite regular watering.

  • Lift the palm out of the planter.
  • If there are roots that have already grown out of the drainage hole, it is high time to put the palm tree in a larger container.


Unbalanced fertilization is also reflected in the brown tips of the leaves. Fertilize They only grow in the growth phase from March to October. Follow the manufacturer's dosage recommendation exactly.

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