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How do you know when a room aralia needs to be poured?

the Zimmeraralie needs a soil that is slightly damp. She doesn't like wetness and she doesn't get dryness either. You should therefore water them regularly and use water with little lime. Whenever the top layer of soil has dried, it can be poured again.

also read

  • Who is the indoor aralia poisonous for?
  • Zimmeraralie: Maintain properly
  • Sword fern care: essential and unnecessary procedures

How much fertilizer does the indoor aralia need?

Ideally, the indoor aralas should be supplied with fertilizers such as liquid fertilizers, stick fertilizers or coffee grounds between March and September. While in spring that Fertilize every 3 to 4 weeks is appropriate, should be fertilized every 2 weeks in summer. In winter there is no fertilization at all, as the plant is dormant at this time.

Does this houseplant need pruning?

Please note this when cutting:

  • young specimens tolerate pruning better than older ones
  • Cut is not absolutely necessary
  • Cut off old, dried up and diseased parts
  • Promote bushy growth by pruning heavily
  • remove old flowers
  • just above one eye cut off
  • ideal cutting time: October or February

How to care for the leaves of this plant

The foliage of the room aralia usually has a leathery sheen. But over time it quickly collects dust. You should therefore wipe the individual leaves with a damp cloth or rag every now and then.

When do you repot the room aralia?

In the spring, just before the vegetation really sets in, the right time for repotting has come. Choose a slightly larger pot, replace the old soil, and cut away dry and rotten roots before putting them back in!

What pests can they attack?

Although the room aralia poisonous this does not prevent pests from feeding on the cell sap in their leaves. They can be attacked by the following pests:

  • Spider mites
  • Red spiders
  • Aphids
  • Thrips


In winter, place the room aralia in a light room with a cool temperature of 12 to 16 ° C, such as the bedroom. Stop the fertilizer supply and water more economically during the winter time!