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Wilted tillandsia allows daughter plants to sprout

Like all bromeliads, bloom Tillandsia in room culture once and then die. The fascinating exotic species, on the other hand, do not leave without first ensuring that they continue to exist. To this end, most species produce one or more daughter plants that are endowed with all the wonderful attributes of the mother plant. Via the Kindel route, the tillandsia provides us with propagation material that is already ready-made.

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Cut off Kindel and properly care for it - this is how it works

In order to propagate a tillandsia successfully, include the maintenance program at the end of the flowering period to water and Fertilize seamlessly. Cut off the withered inflorescence so that the plant does not invest any energy in the growth of the capsule fruits. How to proceed:

  • Only cut off a child when it is at least half the size of the mother plant
  • Pot the daughter plant in a loose, low-lime potting soil
  • Pour the earth with soft water

Place the pot in a warm, partially shaded location. Spray the young plant regularly with soft water. After 4 to 6 months, repot the young Tillandsia in normal bromeliad or attach them on a pad.

Special case of Tillandsia usneoides

You will look in vain for daughter plants on a Tillandsia usneoides. In order to reproduce this Tillandsia species generatively, cut off healthy, vital shoots with a length of 10 to 15 cm. You tie these on wood or cork. Sprayed daily with soft water, growth progresses rapidly on the bright, warm window seat.


Propagating a tillandsia with seeds is a particular challenge. There are at least 2 copies of the same Art required for fertilization. Furthermore, the dusting is done manually with a fine brush. If the capsule fruits release the winged seeds after a long period of ripening, germination takes many months. Several years will pass before the longed-for flowering time.