Recognize 5 types of mold in the apartment with a picture

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Mold in homes can be an immense threat to human and pet health. However, there are sometimes considerable differences between the various types of mold - both in terms of the risks they pose and the way in which they spread. Therefore, knowing the type of mold in question is crucial for correct removal.

Types of mold

Around 100,000 types of mold have already been specifically identified and described. However, the actual total number of different species is an estimated 250,000. The mold in living rooms can be divided into five main groups depending on its appearance. These are:

  • white mold
  • yellow mold
  • red mold
  • green mold
  • black mold

In these groups there are in turn different species, which, however, have the same color, among other things, and are therefore classified together.

White mold

White mold is often found on food, but it can also appear on walls. Due to its white color, it is often only noticeable very late on light backgrounds. Often it only becomes "visible" when it begins to turn darker. This is a peculiarity of the white mold, as it can change to the black mold.

Mold on cheeseBoth variants are harmful to health, can trigger allergies, irritate the mucous membranes and cause other complaints

to lead.


  • headache
  • common colds and sinus infections
  • Cough up to chronic bronchitis
  • Skin diseases
  • Sore throat
  • Joint pain
  • fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal complaints

The mold is whitish to greyish. The color may change as it could turn into black mold. This is of course not only due to the change in color, but to different types in the fungus coating. This covering looks like cotton wool or cobwebs and is mainly found on the ceiling or near the floor.

Yellow mold

Fortunately, due to the high hygiene standards in industrialized countries, the yellow mold is less widespread because it emits a particularly dangerous substance. This is a poison called aflatoxin. This is very dangerous to health and can cause considerable problems and diseases, such as diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver cancer.

The color of the yellow mold ranges between yellowish, ocher and brown. The appearance and consistency can be dry and flaky, grainy or greasy and sometimes more reminiscent of a discolored moss covering. The yellow mold is not only found in damp corners on the walls and masonry, but also on upholstered furniture and primarily on cotton fabrics.

Red mold

Red mold can vary in color from light orange to red to rusty brown and is mainly found in areas with large amounts of cellulose. That means it occurs primarily on paper wallpaper, in flour or cardboard and veneer. In addition, the kitchen and bathroom are more often infested than

other areas. Because of its color, the red mold is more noticeable than the white and yellow types of mold. It can be dry and crumbly or it can look slimy.

Mold on foodThere is a particular health risk for the respiratory tract, i.e. the bronchi and lungs. Allergies and asthma are possible consequences of long-term infestation with the red mold species.

Green mold

At the base, these types of mold usually appear whitish to gray, while the surface is green. It spreads on food, potting soil and in wet areas. For example under carpets, behind wall coverings and in tile joints. Green mold includes the types of mold that are most common.

Compared to other types of mold, it is not extremely dangerous to health, but it can still cause ailments and illnesses.

These include, among others:

  • Allergies
  • asthma
  • Involvement and damage to the lung tissue
  • headache
  • Weakened immune system

green mold on a lemonThe poison of this mold becomes Gliotoxin called and can cause a variety of problems in long-term contact. Therefore, despite the comparatively low risk that green mold poses, it should be removed quickly.

Note: Green mold often occurs in conjunction with other types of mold, which is why "colorful" mold deposits can develop.

Black mold

Black mold, or black mold, can develop from white mold or occur directly.

It can be found primarily in the following areas:

  • Damp rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens
  • Tile joints
  • Walls
  • (plastered) walls
  • wallpaper
  • Cover

Even large temperature differences do not affect this type of mold, which is why it is particularly stubborn and can spread quickly. Strictly speaking, it is again not one species, but around 40 different types of mold. The black mold is particularly feared because on the one hand it is difficult to get rid of and on the other hand it can be extremely toxic to people and pets.



Stachybotrys chartarum is one of the black mold species and can trigger what is known as stachybotryosis, for example. The symptoms of this disease are reminiscent of Alzheimer's.

Aspergillus niger

Aspergillus niger - black mold on onionAnother black mold is Aspergillus niger. It can cause a wide variety of diseases, from allergies and infectious diseases to kidney disease. Due to the wide range of dangers and risks, as well as the severity of the possible diseases, you should act immediately in the case of black mold and avoid infected areas.

Mold test

Although the mold is usually comparatively easy to assign to a group by color, the exact type cannot be determined by the color and the rest of the optics alone. A mold test is required for this. For this, a sample of the mold is taken and examined in a laboratory. Depending on the result, appropriate remedial measures can then be taken. Vinegar essence, alcohol and special commercial cleaners can help with minor infestations and some types of mold, but are by no means sufficient in all cases.

In the event of severe infestation, the affected area may have to be professionally renovated to remove and destroy all fungal spores. To ensure your own safety and to allow a thorough removal, this task should be removed by professionals.


The best remedy for mold growth is prevention. For mold to grow and spread, it basically only needs three things: moisture, nutrients and the right temperature. By removing moisture, an infestation can be prevented. The following tips can help reduce moisture:

  • regular ventilation several times a day
  • Do not dry laundry in the apartment
  • heat appropriately
  • Do not place furniture too close to the wall
  • Have water damage repaired immediately by a professional
  • Ventilate well after bathing, showering or cooking

Particularly when it comes to heating, savings are made time and again due to rising costs. However, if this causes black mold to spread, for example, this can be significantly more expensive than slightly increased heating costs.

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