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Why aren't the dahlias blooming?

Various factors can mean that georgines do not develop flowers at all or that the flower buds do not open, but turn brown and rot on the bush:

  • Unfavorable location
  • Too moist soil
  • Missing nutrients
  • Too big tubers

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  • When do dahlias bloom? Everything about the heyday of the georgines
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Wrong location

Dahlias are native to Mexico. There the georgines grow in bright sunlight. Plant georgines in as sunny a place as possible Location. They also tolerate Penumbra, but they do not develop as many flowers there.

On the terrace, the dahlias should also be as sunny as possible. But then they have to be poured more often.

Soil too moist

There is one thing that dahlias cannot tolerate at all. This is a too damp soil from which the moisture cannot run off.

Loosen the soil before plants profound. Loamy soils are best mixed with sand to make them more permeable.

Water georgines regularly, but be sure to avoid waterlogging.

Too few or wrong nutrients

Use only organic fertilizer, to the dahlia to provide them with nutrients. Artificial fertilizers contain too much nitrogen. It stimulates the plant to form many stems, so that there is no longer any power left for flowers.

Before planting out, prepare the soil well by filling it with mature compost and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) to enhance. A slightly acidic soil with a pH value of 6.5 is ideal.

Divide tubers that are too large

Dahlias that have formed too many tubers will flower less. If the individual tubers are too close, they mutually deprive each other of nutrients. share Remove bulbs that are too large before planting. You can use the divided pieces to Multiplication to use.

Tips & Tricks

As a cut flower, the dahlia will only bloom if you choose flowers that are open the first day. Buds do not open, older flowers usually just fall off in the vase.