Delicious ideas for the kitchen

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Process goji berries as soon as possible after harvesting

Many fruit lovers are familiar with the problem: Fresh fruit is lying on the counter in the kitchen or in the refrigerator and soon doesn't look really appetizing anymore. Usually, it is only at this moment that you ask yourself whether you can somehow save the fruit from the compost heap and sensibly conserve and use it. Even if there might be one or the other possibility in this regard, Goji should generally Berries, like other fruits, are either consumed as quickly as possible or processed directly and preserved accordingly will. This is the only way to maintain the high quality, including vitamins and other valuable ingredients, in the best possible way. However, goji berries, for example, are less sensitive than raspberries when it comes to storing them for a few days after harvesting before further processing.

also read

  • The right care for the goji berry in the garden
  • The flower of the goji berries
  • The harvest time of the goji berries

Different ways to preserve goji berries

Goji berries can be processed and preserved in different ways:

  • by extracting juice from the berries
  • in frozen state
  • by drying
  • by boiling into jams

Juice obtained from goji berries can be kept in the refrigerator a little longer than a bowl of fresh berries. If it is heated for preservation purposes, however, there is also a loss of valuable ingredients. When making juices and jams, sweeter types of fruit or sugar should be added, as the goji berries themselves are not known for their sweet taste.

Freeze and dry goji berries properly

For the dry The steep green base is removed from goji berries and the berries are placed in the sun on absorbent kitchen paper. The berries should be turned every few hours so that they can dry evenly. Alternatively, goji berries can also be dried in an oven at a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius, whereby the oven door should remain ajar to allow moisture to escape. So that goji berries do not clump together into a large, inseparable mass when freezing, you should first freeze the berries in a single layer on a tray. Sometimes it can also be helpful to leave the green stems on the berries for storage in the freezer.


If you cannot process your goji berries from the garden immediately for reasons of time, it is sometimes better to leave them hanging on the bush. Generally, most berries spoil after harvest faster than if they can still fully ripen on the branches of the berry bush.

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