This is the best way to proceed

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This will make the apple rings crispy

So that the apple slices can be dried, you must first wash the apples, which should preferably come from organic farming. These do not have to be peeled because the peel is particularly aromatic. In addition, there is a lot of fiber in it, which has a positive effect on digestion.

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Remove the core with an apple cutter and cut the fruit in half. The slices will be completely even if you then cut the fruit thinly with a cucumber slicer or a food processor. If you prefer crispy apple slices, the pieces should not be too thick.

You can sprinkle lemon over the dried fruit to keep it beautifully colored. If you like it a little sweeter, you can add a little sugar:

  1. Bring the sugar to the boil with lemon juice and water to taste.
  2. Let the brew cool down.
  3. Briefly place apple slices in it.

Dry apple slices in the automatic dehydrator

This method is very straightforward. Since the fruit is dried at a low temperature, vitamins and nutrients are largely retained.


  1. Distribute the prepared apple slices on the drying rack so that they do not touch.
  2. Put the device together and dry the fruits for six to eight hours at 42 degrees.

Dry the apple slices in the oven

If you only want to produce dried fruit yourself occasionally, it is not worth purchasing a special device. You can also use the Dry apple rings easily. Make several trays at once, this saves energy.


  1. Cover the baking sheets with baking paper and distribute the fruits on them so that they do not touch.
  2. Close the flap and place a wooden spoon between the oven and the door. This allows the moisture to escape.
  3. The apple slices are particularly crisp if you turn on the lowest temperature, usually 50 degrees, of top and bottom heat. Drying takes about seven hours.

Dry apple slices in the sun

If you want to save energy and have enough space in a sunny place, you can dry the apple slices outdoors. The prepared apples are placed on grids and covered with a cloth. Alternatively, you can thread the pieces on a string and hang them up.

Make sure that the apple slices do not touch each other. This is the only way to dry them evenly.

Put the drying rack in a sheltered place. Drying outdoors takes between two and seven days, depending on the weather conditions.

Darren in the microwave

Only small portions of apple slices can be dried in the microwave. This variant is therefore more suitable if you want to quickly prepare a tasty snack for the evening at home, for example.


  1. Place the apple slices side by side on a plate and place in the microwave.
  2. Heat on full power for about one to two minutes.
  3. Open the door so that the moisture can escape.
  4. Set the microwave to the lowest setting and let it run for 15 minutes until the desired crispness is achieved.


They are particularly aromatic dried apples, if you sprinkle them with a little cinnamon before they dry.