Instructions for a pretty lavender stick

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Instructions for a lavender stick

Nowadays, such a pretty lavender stick can be made naturally also use differently, for example as a decoration for presents, as a substitute for a scented bag in the wardrobe or for a nice room scent in a vase. For braiding you will need:

  • an even number of freshly picked lavender stalks with flowers
  • a nice band of fabric, e.g. B. made of satin
  • a piece of string
  • a scissors

also read

  • Simply propagate lavender yourself - this is how you grow young plants yourself
  • When can you harvest lavender?
  • Lavender loves the sun

Process you as fresh lavender as possible, as the stems and flowers become more fragile the drier the plant is. When braiding, do the following:

  • Tie a bouquet of lavender that is as even as possible.
  • Tie the twine directly under the flower spikes.
  • Now wrap the ribbon over the twine, leaving one short and one long end.
  • The short end is only used again for knotting.
  • Now fold the stems evenly over the flower spikes.
  • The stems must not kink.
  • Now “weave” in the satin ribbon and always hold two stems together.
  • Braid as tightly as possible.
  • Braid the lavender until you get to the end of the flower spikes.
  • Now make a tight knot that will probably need to be retightened in a few days.
  • Tie a pretty bow.

Tie a summer lavender wreath

Another pretty, summery decoration is a lavender wreath that you can hang in a window or on the front door, for example. For this you need:

  • a ring made of straw, sticks, wire or wood
  • thin floral wire
  • some tufts of lavender with stems and flowers

Here, too, you should only use freshly picked lavender if possible. Now take a small bundle of lavender and lay it flat on the ring. Wrap the stems approx. two to three times with the wire. Now place the flower spikes of another bundle on the wrapped stems and fasten this bundle again as described above. Do this until you have wrapped the entire ring in lavender.

Tips & Tricks

Combine the lavender wreath with other flowers, such as bright yellow Holy herb or red roses.