Here's how to get rid of them

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Frequent scarifying of the lawn

To the edible violets without getting rid of chemical agents, it is advisable to mow the lawn regularly. It is best to shorten it every 5 days to a height of between 4 and 8 cm.

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  • Are violets poisonous? Belief or Fact?
  • Violets and their heyday - different from species to species
  • The violet: it feels good at this location!

By scarifying the violet constantly curtailed and robbed of their strength. At the same time, the lawn should with Lawn fertilizer and abundant watering. This strengthens him so that he can displace competitors like Violets.

Pull out violets and dig up

In addition to cutting the lawn regularly, you can also fight the violets directly. On the one hand you can pull out viola and on the other hand you can dig it out.

  • pulling young specimens out of the ground
  • Soil should be moist
  • Grasp the main shoots on the ground and pull them out upwards
  • Better to dig out older specimens (break easily when pulled out)
  • to dig up spade or Digging fork use
  • dig up all the roots

Using chemistry to control violets

When all biological control agents don't work, chemistry can be the tool of choice. Whether forest violets, Horned violets, Fragrant violets, Etc. - they can all be destroyed with herbicides against lawn weeds. The active ingredients dicamba and quinclorac, for example, have proven themselves. These active ingredients are specially designed for broad-leaved weeds. They do not damage the grass. Use such agents according to the manufacturer's instructions!

Further information on combating

Kill the violets before they do go into bloom! Otherwise they produce Seeds and self-sowing is at hand. It is also important that you carry out the fight several times. As a rule, violets cannot be driven out by a one-time procedure.

Tips & Tricks

Grass goes well with violets. While the grass prefers to grow in the sun, violets prefer to be in the shade.