When, how often and with what?

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Fertilizing lilies - several reasons

That Fertilize of lilies is beneficial for several reasons. On the one hand, a fertilizer is recommended if the lily is growing poorly. In addition, the nutrient upgrade helps others if the lily:

  • does not bloom or blooms less
  • stunted
  • has become more susceptible to disease
  • is often attacked by pests

also read

  • Lilies - planting time for bulbs, seeds and young plants
  • Know how to do it - caring for lilies
  • Lilies - it depends on the location!

How often should you fertilize?

Basically, lilies are easy to care for when it comes to fertilizing. It is enough to fertilize them once a year. But more frequent fertilizer applications are better. A lily can be provided with fertilizer two to three times a year. Lilies in the pot are the exception. They should be given a suitable fertilizer every two to four weeks.

Suitable fertilizers for lilies

There are various fertilizers that you can use to fertilize your lilies. Most types of lily cannot tolerate fresh manure. If you fertilize with manure, it should be at least 2 years old and well rotted. Other organic or mineral ones are better suited for fertilization

Complete fertilizer. Important: They shouldn't contain too much nitrogen. The following fertilizers are considered to be effective for lilies:

  • Blue grain
  • Horn shavings
  • compost
  • Rhododendron fertilizer

Proceed correctly when fertilizing

First of all, it is advisable when Plants of lilies Add compost to the soil. Above all, very sandy soils have to be filled with compost or humus be enriched. After the lilies have been planted, they are fertilized directly on the planting site every spring.

The plant should not be hit when fertilizing. The fertilizer is only applied to the root area. Until the onset of flowering, you can re-fertilize once or twice, for example with liquid fertilizer. For a long flowering can be re-fertilized in summer. After fertilizing, plenty of water is poured in so that the fertilizer can penetrate the soil.

Tips & Tricks

The last time in the year you should fertilize in August. A later application of fertilizer increases the susceptibility to frost. The lily bulbs can be damaged in winter.