A selection of the most beautiful varieties

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Tips for choosing and landscaping

However, you should not only choose your garden tree based on criteria such as beauty and personal taste, because then in a few years it is likely to be a nasty one Surprises are lurking for you: Trees need a suitable location so that they can grow and thrive healthily, and more or more depending on the species and variety less space. So for small gardens you shouldn't necessarily choose a cherry tree, oak or spruce. Here you have the choice between many small or narrow varieties that do not threaten to blow up any space and therefore at some point shortened or even have to be felled.

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Deciduous trees

If you want to plant a deciduous tree, you can choose between countless species and varieties. Fruit trees are not only beautiful, they are also good to eat. These are available in different sizes and growth forms, so that the right apple or cherry tree can be found for every garden. But there is also a large selection of ornamental trees.

Deciduous trees for large gardens

If you have a lot of space, you can of course imposing deciduous tree put in his garden. The walnut tree (Juglans regia) is one such tree that can grow up to 30 meters high and develop a very wide, spreading crown. In earlier times the species was a popular, shade-giving yard tree. Linden (Tilia), beech (Fagus), maple (Acer), birch (Betula) or chestnut (Aesculus) are also impressive. There are different shapes of the individual species that provide variety - for example through a special flower or bark color.

Deciduous trees for small gardens

Most gardens these days are fine though small, so that a huge deciduous tree does not fit into it - especially since most people have neighbors right next door, who often do not like such impressive garden decorations due to the shadow cast. Dwarf fruit or ornamental fruit species fit well in small gardens, and they are also lavish in spring white or pink ones Inspire the splendor of flowers. But also small trees such as the manna ash (Fraxinus ornus), magnolia (Magnolia), Snowdrop tree (Halesia carolina) or Witch hazel (Hamamelis intermedia) are mainly planted for their beautiful flowers.


Unlike many deciduous trees are Coniferswith the exception of larch, evergreen. Their leaves are typically needle-shaped, often pointed, the growth form strict with a naturally well-articulated structure. Conifers are extremely versatile: Depending on the type and variety, they are suitable for a solitary as well as for group planting, hedges are perfect for privacy and wind protection as well as for creating Garden spaces. Feel free to plant different species with different heights, growth forms and needle colors - you won't have much work to do with this planting in the right location.

Conifers for large gardens

Large, imposing species such as the spruce (Picea), the fir (Abies), the cedar (Cedrus), some pine species (Pinus), the Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and the larch (Larix) only fit in very large gardens with a lot of distance from the neighbors. These conifers should not be planted in a normal sized garden as they can reach heights of more than 20 meters in a few years. In addition, their growth cannot be limited by cutting measures, on the contrary: cutting the tip can have bad consequences. You should definitely pay attention to good soil quality and sufficient plant spacing so that the trees stay healthy for as long as possible.

Conifers for small gardens

Small pine species such as the Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora) have grown in small gardens 'Umbraculifera'), the blue white pine (Pinus parviflora) or the dwarf white pine (Pinus strobus 'Radiata') proven. The European yew (Taxus baccata) often thrives very well in the shade and is ideal for topiary and hedge trees. Other beautiful conifers for small gardens are the Occidental Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis), many Juniper species (Juniperus) and dwarf firs such as the dwarf cork fir (Abies lasiocarpa 'Compacta') or the Korean fir (Abies koreana).

Unusual garden trees

Fruit trees, spruces, firs, junipers... whoever is looking for unusual garden trees can choose between these types, among others:

  • Chinese bluebell tree (Paulownia tomentosa)
  • Gingko or fan leaf tree (Ginkgo biloba)
  • Katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum), also called cake or gingerbread tree
  • Plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia)
  • Handkerchief tree (Davidia involucrata), also called the pigeon tree
  • Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)

Many forms of hanging or mourning, such as hanging birch trees, weeping willows, etc. also look interesting and unusual.


If it doesn't have to be a house tree, you can plant a large shrub - for example a rhododendron, lilac or a Rock pear.

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