Balcony plants that bloom in June

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Summery overture in a flower box - blossoms from June

They are at the end of May Spring bloomer only a shadow of herself on the balcony. After the ice saints, the planting in the Flower box(€ 149.00 at Amazon *) exchange, a seamless transition into the summer blooms succeeds. The following flowers and perennials boast a colorful floral garment from June:

  • Large-flowered girl's eye 'sun child' (Coreopsis grandiflora) with bright yellow flowers from June to August
  • Geraniums (Pelargoniums), standing and hanging in beautiful colors from June to the first frost
  • Petunias, Magic bells (Petunia) with dense flower clusters or hanging flower cascades from June

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The distinctive Hussar button (Sanvitalia procumbens) has taken the hearts of balcony gardeners by storm as a tireless bloomer. Its bright yellow flowers are reminiscent of sunflowers, so the annual beauty is also known as the dwarf sunflower. With a stature height of a dainty 20 cm, the plant forms decorative hemispheres in the flower box or the traffic light until autumn.

Bucket beauties for the early summer balcony - free start from June

June opens the gate wide for the appearance of the most beautiful flowering trees for the balcony. In the sunny location, bed and shrub roses in the large tub will delight you. Breathtaking Panicle hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) shine in partial shade with their huge flower candles. The white double flowers of the starry bush (Deutzia scabra) attract butterflies in droves.

A balcony on the north side of the house does not go away empty-handed in June. Shade-compatible ball hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) feel right at home in this location. The innovative variety 'Schloss Wackerbarth' from the Royality line sets spectacular accents with three-colored flower balls made of green-yellow and red-pink single flowers with blue eye.


June is a good opportunity to exchange non-grown balcony plants. Pull the unwilling plants out of the substrate and fill the gaps with new specimens. Summer temperatures, regular Fertilize and watering ensure that the newcomers quickly catch up on the growth lead of their plant neighbors.

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