Appearance, characteristics and use

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External characteristics of the seeds

The seeds do not look conspicuous or even spectacular. They are reminiscent of caraway or the seeds of carrot, dill and parsley. At first they are colored green. When they are fully ripe, they take on a brown to brown-black color.

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They stand upright on the former, umbel-like inflorescences of the ground elder. Each inflorescence has about 100 seeds. They are located in the two-part split fruits. They are elongated, flattened, wingless and an average of 3 mm long. Often they have a narrow, crescent-shaped shape.

When are the seeds ripe?

After Heyday, which can last from April to September, the seeds of the ground elder ripen. The first seeds are ripe as early as June. Others do not reach maturity until autumn. Ripe seeds are brown in color.

Edible - a hot spice

The seeds can be used fresh or dried

eaten will. They taste hot. The taste is best expressed when the seeds are ground to a powder, for example with a mortar. They are suitable for:

  • Sauces
  • Salads
  • Soup
  • Stews

Sow the seeds - this is how it works!

You can sow the seeds in spring, summer or autumn. You come to a nutrient-poor earth. Attention: They are light germs! Therefore, they should not be covered with earth, but just pressed down. If you keep the substrate moist, the seeds will germinate after a few days.

Fight before the seeds ripen

Who the ground elder fight want, the whole thing should be done before the seeds ripen. Once the seeds are ripe, the wind easily spreads them. The plant reproduces strongly with their help, as it houses a large number of seeds and these tend to self-sow.


You don't need to buy seeds. You can collect them yourself in high to late summer. They are ripe as soon as they are brown in color and can be easily detached from the seed stand.

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