The most beautiful species at a glance

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Tayberry Buckingham

The Buckingham variety grows like a shrub with numerous overhanging shoots. It is a thornless cultivation that makes picking and cutting pleasant. On a sunny Location it reaches a height of up to 1.8 m and a width of up to 2.5 m. It is recommended to attach their rods to the trellis, then they will produce more berries.

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  • Tayberry in the bucket - that is also possible and bears fruit!
  • Cutting the Tayberry - when, what and how much has to go?
  • Tayberry care - what matters most

The first white flowers appear from May and the first berries are ready to eat from mid-June. They are characterized by the following features:

  • are elongated and dark red
  • the taste is sweet and sour,
  • the pulp is juicy

The harvest time lasts until August. The berries of this variety taste best fresh from the bush, but can also be made into jam, jelly, juice or cakes.

Tayberry Easy Tay

Easy Tay is a thornless variant of the Tayberry, the taste of which draws from the gene pool of its parents, the raspberry and blackberry. The shrub is compact and the fruits ripen from June to July.

  • dark red colored berries
  • fruity aroma
  • ideal for jelly and jam

Tayberry Medana

The cultivar Medina makes upright, aspiring shoots that, when good care Reach almost 2 m in height, with a width of up to 2.5 m. It should also be pulled on a scaffold, which will not least make harvesting easier. Because this variety still has thorns! The flowering time is in May and June. The first berries ripen at the end of June.

  • large, red berries
  • oblong shaped
  • sweet-sour, distinctive aroma

The harvest season lasts until August. The berries are a delight both fresh and in desserts. They can also be processed well into jams and jellies.


One Tayberry can also grow in a tub and stand on a sunny terrace or balcony. This strain works well for this, but also for small gardens.