This is the best way to do it

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Limit uncontrolled reproduction with a rhizome barrier

There are basically three main types of propagation in the goji berry:

  • underground foothills
  • Cuttings
  • Seedlings

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The propagation of the goji berry, however, is not always something that gardeners actively strive for. In many cases, garden owners are scared of the at all planting back in the garden bed and build an extension in the pot because with this type of culture the formation of subterranean root runners is automatically steered into controlled paths. If goji berries anyway in the garden are to be planted out, then, as with bamboo, the use of a Rhizome barrier around the plants. Otherwise the runners can spread across the garden.

Propagate goji berries with cuttings

The most common method of propagation for goji berries is cutting from cuttings. After all, this method offers rapid growth of the young plants obtained in this way and

Cut material occurs in the strong-growing shrubs in sufficient quantities every year. Either green cuttings can be cut in early summer or ripe cuttings in fall. Propagating cuttings in autumn usually gives better results. For this purpose, about 10 to 20 cm long pieces are cut from the bushes and placed in a permeable one Growing substrate(€ 12.99 at Amazon *) plugged. If cuttings are taken on the warm window sill in the pot, a film cover put on top can ensure a constant high level of humidity.

Pull seedlings from the seeds of the goji berry

As a rule, the seeds from dried goji berries can still germinate if you carefully remove them from the berries. The seeds of the goji berries are ideally placed on a moistened cellulose cloth for germination. As light germs, they only germinate uncovered, but can be fine shortly after germination Sowing soil be isolated. Since the plants are very sensitive at first, they need relatively constant ones care and good light and moisture conditions.


Shrubs grown from seeds need on average up to two years longer than goji berries grown from cuttings before a significant number of berries is produced for the first time harvested can be. Hence, the propagation of cuttings becomes the sowing preferred in most cases.