He tolerates these temperatures

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Is the thimble hardy?

Foxglove species that are native to this country (Roter thimble, Yellow foxglove and large-flowered foxglove), are guaranteed to be hardy. Other well-known species such as the woolly foxglove and rust-colored foxglove are also hardy. These plants usually tolerate temperatures down to -18 ° C in winter.

also read

  • Foxglove - a plant that is under nature protection
  • Do you have to overwinter the thimble?
  • Is thimble poisonous to dogs?

Since there are rarely lower temperatures in winter, the foxglove survives the change from winter to spring. It does not matter whether it is in the sun or in the shade. Wintering quarters for this reason do not have to be visited.

How can you prepare the thimble for winter?

In autumn, the foxglove should be cut back to the ground. The cut can be omitted if the thimble is already his Seeds has trained. These ripen in spring and ensure that the plant reproduces well.

If you have the thimble in the bucket on the balcony or terrace, put it indoors or outdoors as a precaution. in a frost-free, but cool place. This prevents its roots from freezing through and from dying. Alternatively, you can wrap the pot with fleece and place it on the balcony or terrace wall.

Usually biennial, rarely perennial

Most foxglove species are biennial, very few turn out to be naturally perennial. Foxglove is considered a semi-shrub or herbaceous plant that can grow persistently. It rarely lignifies at the base because it invests too much force in its flowers and its poisonousness and in most cases dies after the seed has formed.

But you can help the thimble on the jumps... So that the thimble sprouts in the third year and blooms again:

  • in the 2nd Cut off the withered flower stalks in the year
  • cut before forming the seeds
  • put on gloves when cutting (plant is poisonous!)

Tips & Tricks

Over the winter, the Thimble leaves a valuable green spot in the landscape. Gardeners who have planted an entire bed with it will not have to look for green.

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