Flowerbed for partial shade »These flowers need little sun

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Pay attention to the ground

Before you get the right plants though put together, you should first take a closer look at the soil conditions at the desired location. Shady areas tend to be more humid and have a lower pH value, which is why moisture-tolerant plants should be preferred. However, there are also partially shaded to shaded areas with rather dry soil where you should make a different plant selection.

Suitable perennials for partial shade

These perennials and woody plants are suitable for damp and partially shaded to shady locations:

  • Funkie
  • Oregon grape
  • Star umbels
  • crying heart
  • Snowball
  • rhododendron
  • Witch hazel
  • Christmas rose

If the partially shaded location is also dry, you should rather plant plants like these:

  • Japan anemone
  • Aukube
  • Bergenia
  • Milkweed
  • Ysander
  • Lungwort
  • Skimmie
  • Evergreen


Always try to select the right plants for the respective environment and not vice versa to adapt the environment to the plant. This is certainly possible up to certain limits (e.g. B. by erecting a windbreak or a soil improvement), but you will have more success and joy with a careful selection.

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