Growing goji berries in Germany

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Good reasons for growing in Germany

There are various reasons that speak for growing goji berries in Germany:

  • better control over the use of pesticides
  • clean and harmless irrigation water
  • improved ecological balance thanks to short transport routes
  • Possibility of processing fresh berries

also read

  • Goji berries: varieties for growing in the garden
  • Harvest goji berries from your own cultivation
  • The harvest time of the goji berries

In addition, there are basically no reasons that would speak against the widespread cultivation of the common wolfberry as a productive fruit. The plants put at their respective Location not particularly high demands and are also pretty good in exposed locations hardy.

Variety on the menu with home-grown goji berries

Whether the Goji berries are actually a so-called “superfood” is perhaps one of the most arguable issues. What is certain, however, is that the relatively late Harvest time the season for freshly consumed berries from controlled cultivation can be extended directly on site. The sour goji berry can also be an enrichment in terms of taste if it is used as a flavor ingredient Used in sauces with game dishes, as a raisin substitute in cakes or as a vitamin kick in morning muesli comes.

Provide healthy and high-yielding plants with the choice of location and care

When choosing and caring for the Goji berries, you should always keep in mind that these berry bushes love sunny and warm locations with well-drained soil. So that the plants with the typically arched, long branches can develop well, they should be sufficiently spaced from one another planted and also regularly cut will. Good ventilation of the leaves on the branches is an important factor when it comes to preventing the infestation with mildew goes.


Since the goji berry does not tolerate waterlogging in the root area very badly, impermeable soils should be in moist Layers enriched with appropriate drainage materials and humus, loose soil such as deposited compost will.

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