Preparation ideas and more from the meadow clover

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Red clover goes well with these dishes

You should eat red clover raw if possible, because then the healthy ingredients are largely retained. Wild herbs are particularly popular in vegetarian and vegan cuisine. Used it will be for:

  • Soup
  • salad
  • rice
  • decoration

also read

  • Pull and process red clover sprouts
  • Red clover has a long flowering period
  • Red clover propagation - this is how red clover is propagated!

Don't have one Red clover in the garden, collect it on organically managed meadows or on fields where there are not too many dogs.

How to use red clover for food

Red clover has a mild taste. You can enjoy leaves and flowers in all dishes to which you also add cress. Use the flowers for soups and as a topping on bread. They are simply scattered over. Use leaves and flowers in salads.

Are you bored of simple rice? Pick a few of the red clover flowers, pluck the individual flowers and mix them with the finished rice.

The flowers look very nice as an edible decoration on vegetable and cheese platters.

Red clover as sprouts

Red clover sprouts contain a lot of protein, minerals and trace elements. Use for that sowing a germinator that you can set up in the kitchen.

After sowing, it will take about a week before you can harvest and eat the sprouts. Red clover sprouts are used in the same way as cress sprouts. However, they are much milder in taste.

Prepare red clover for eating

Shake out red clover well after collecting. The flowers are visited by many insects, including bees and Bumblebees.

Rinse the flowers and leaves as quickly as possible under cold water before adding them to the food.

If you cannot use the collected red clover straight away, hang it up as a bouquet tied upside down in a warm, dry place to keep it for several months.


Red clover has a digestive effect. You should not ingest too large amounts at once. A small bouquet or a few flowers are sufficient for most dishes.