Old varieties for maximum enjoyment

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Red-fruity classics with a brilliant comeback

Within the multi-faceted variety of old varieties, two candidates stand out in particular. 'Mieze Schindler' came onto the market in 1925 and has been convincing with its unique aroma ever since. Today it has again established itself in the hearts of enthusiastic strawberry gardeners. The only downer are the exclusively female flowers, which require a second pollinator variety.

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For a long time, 'Senga Sengana' was considered to be the most widely grown strawberry in Germany because it provides a rich one harvest fantastically sweet fruits. Since it is ideally suited for Preserve and pickling, it has re-established itself in the modern garden.

Old strawberry varieties on the rise

The following overview introduces the most promising traditional strawberry varieties that are making a name for themselves:

  • German Evern: very early ripeness, light red, small fruits, demanding to care for
  • Prinz Julius Ernst: 4-8 days after Deutsch Evern, strong in development, light red fruits, normal demands
  • Reusraths very earliest: ripens before Deutsch Evern, a favorite variety with an intense aroma
  • Queen Luise: wonderful in taste, thrives in heavy soil, suitable for preserving and Insertion
  • Herzberg's triumph: twice in foal, the ideal climbing strawberry with sturdy tendrils

Among the monthly strawberries, our ancestors raved about the white-fruity and tendril-free 'Rügen' and 'Baron Solemacher' with yellow fruits. The red-fruited 'Glory of Döbeltitz' and the 'Schöne Meißnerin', on the other hand, form offshoots so that they can easily find their way through Offshoot let multiply.

Tips & Tricks

The cultivation of old varieties continues consistently if you use old strawberry varieties in an adequate manner Mixed culture plants. The summer lettuce 'Brown Defiant Head' is made from excellent plant neighbors, as are the varieties 'Fearful Nothing' and 'May Wonder'. Suitable onion types are 'White Queen', 'Bronze Ball' or the 'Zittau Yellow'.