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Vole species

Not all vole are created equal. There are over 150 species of voles. The muskrat, the field vole, the water vole and the bank vole can be seen most often here. Depending on the species, this also varies Size of the vole between 7 and 23cm. If you have a vole in your garden, it is probably the field mouse, a dreaded garden pest.

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Vole - recognize it by its appearance

the Field mouse (Microtus arvalis) has a head-body length of 9 to 12 cm and a tail length of 2.5 to 3.8 cm. So it is z. B. in the Compared to a rat significantly smaller. Unlike rats, voles almost always appear solitary, what their fight clearly relieved.

The fur color of the vole varies from yellowish-brown to gray-brown, with the underside being a little lighter. The ears are round and relatively large at up to 1.2 cm, the nose, typical for mice, pointed and fine.

Voles are both diurnal and nocturnal, but are extremely shy and therefore rarely seen.

Recognize voles by their behavior

Unlike moles, voles feed exclusively on roots, moles are insect eaters and therefore very useful - quite the opposite of the vole, which significantly reduces your vegetable harvest can. Moles also build longer courses with significantly more hills than voles.

Mounds of earth in voles

While moles can build over 50 molehills above their duct system, more than 5 are rarely seen in voles. In addition, molehills are significantly larger than vole hills.


The best way to identify the vole is the damage it does: Have your carrots or other roots been eaten? Then you are definitely dealing with a vole.