Freeze, soak or dry?

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Process ripe plums

Only ripe fruits are used. Should the plums still have green spots, tires put them in a paper bag at room temperature. The addition of a banana speeds up the ripening process.

also read

  • Pickling plums: pure enjoyment in every season
  • Freeze plums properly and enjoy them fresh in winter
  • Drying plums: It's that easy


Wash, core and halve ripe fruits. Pre-cool on a baking sheet or small plate in the freezer for about 60 minutes. Then pack in freezer bags or frost-resistant cans. Depending on your needs, you can thaw individual fruits and enjoy a self-baked fruit cake in winter. Frozen plums are suitable for the production of puree.


Freshly harvested fruits can be wonderfully combined with wintry game dishes. Wash, cut in half and core the fruit. The plums are in various marinades made from high-quality vinegars up to 24 months durable. Depending on the taste, red wine, rum and spices round off the delicacies.


In the dehydrator or oven dry quartered plums. As dried fruit, they can be kept for up to 12 months.

Use overripe plums

When the ideal harvest time is over, all are suitable Plum varieties for the preparation of purees or jams. Especially late species linger on the tree until after the first November frost. The lower piece of the fruit is already wrinkled at this point. The taste, however, is incomparably sweet. Because of its juicy consistency, canning is the only way to use it.

Overripe plums on the tree are a famous domicile for maggots. A bath in a sugar-water solution is recommended before processing. In this way, the animals escape from the plums and swim on the surface of the water.

Tips & Tricks

When new plum trees move into the home garden, choose two different ones sorts. From July to September you harvest the fruits in stages.

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