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What should you watch out for when pouring?

While right after the plants If pouring should be used sparingly, pouring must be started up later. But waterlogging should be avoided at all costs. Likewise, get the Noblemen no persistent drought.

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Also note the following:

  • Water more often and more abundantly in summer
  • Keep the soil slightly moist
  • As a precaution, like to mulch with bark or grass
  • Use lime-free to lime-free water for watering
  • water less from September
  • do not pour on the leaves

How often and with what is fertilization?

It is sufficient to provide the Edellieschen with a portion of liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks. Also suitable Slow release fertilizer for example in the shape of a stick. If the Edellieschen is in the open, rotten garden compost is suitable, but also Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) and a thick layer of bark mulch is sufficient for fertilization.

Does the plant absolutely need pruning?

Impatiens new guinea can always be pruned as long as it is not carried out too radically. The pruning is recommended in order to maintain the compact growth. It should best be done in the course of the summer, because then the shoots become longer and longer and slowly bend downwards.

You should also remove the withered flowers - ideally daily. Sometimes flowers stick to the leaves of the plant after a rain shower. Pluck them out to avoid mold growth!

Is winter storage necessary or superfluous?

Who is not his nobleman overwintered, can assume that it will not survive the winter. It originally comes from East Africa and does not tolerate frost. Temperatures below 10 ° C can already be a problem.

Therefore, for potted plants, their Location had been outside beforehand to recommend wintering in a warm apartment. The place should be bright, warm and protected from direct sunlight.


The Edellieschen is considered to be extremely resistant to diseases and pests. But don't trust it 100%. Nevertheless, check regularly for an infestation and avoid care errors!